
Yamasa Thursday, 27 December 2018

Yamasa makes donations to charities and supports sports in Rinópolis

Santa Casa de Rinópolis and APAE de Bastos received support from the company, as did sports in the factory`s host city.

Alberto Yamasaki: donation to the; Apae de Bastos

Aware of its role in the community in which it is located;   53 years old, Indústria de Máquinas Yamasa ended 2018 contributing to regional assistance institutions and supporting sports in the municipality of Rin&opolis, the headquarters city of its factory, in Oeste Paulista.< /p>

Among the assistance actions, the donation of funds to help the Santa Casa de Misericórdia de Rin&opolis stands out. The hospital institution has a strong presence in healthcare; Health in the municipality, as it is the only hospital responsible for providing care to the municipality. local population.

In the neighboring community of Bastos – municipality that is As one of the largest egg producers in the country -, Yamasa donated equipment to help APAE, the Associacao de Pais e Amigos dos Excepcionais, a social organization that promotes attention integral to; person with intellectual and multiple disabilities. The symbolic delivery of the donation to the APAE was made by engineer Alberto Yamasaki, from the Yamasa team, on December 13, during the traditional socializing dinner for poultry farmers from Bastos.

Sport support

New uniforms for football, new cover for the bleachers and sand and net for the volleyball court

















Retribution to the product; community

To assist in the development of the sport in Rinópolis, the Yamasa team also allocated resources to pay for the labor that covered the bleachers at the city’s municipal stadium and donated sand and netting to equip the local sand volleyball court. In addition, all members of the Rinópolis soccer school received two new sets of uniforms for the teams.

Nelson Yamasaki, president of Yamasa, says that participation in solidarity actions, such as support for the Hospital de Rinópolis and the hospital; APAE de Bastos, are ways for the company to contribute, albeit modestly, to the well-being of society.

As for the support offered for the reform of the city’s two sports structures, Yamasaki points out that it’s essential.   community where the factory is located.   This is so important to Yamasa`s history: “Rinópolis generously welcomed my father Yorio Yamazaki when he decided to transfer the factory to the city, a decision that proved to be very wise, as the city has always it was a successful basis for our work. And if today we have machines with the Yamasa brand in 25 countries, much is due to the competent work of so many workers from Rio de Janeiro who have been our collaborators throughout the 53 years of our history. É fair to reciprocate in some way; and investing in sport is important. help the community to be healthier and more fun”, concludes the company`s president.