
Yamasa Friday, 25 May 2018

Ad`oro Hatchery and Granja Bela Vista participate in factory training

Yamasa`s training program conquers more and more customers every day in search of updates on the company`s machines.

Adriano Bailos: quality

Keeping up with the evolution of Yamasa technology and safely applying it on a daily basis is a must. This is one of the goals achieved by technicians from two companies who participated in training at the Yamasa factory. A team from the São Paulo hatchery Ad’oro confirms that the knowledge gained during the training, which took place in September 2017, was very useful.

Adriano Bailos, hatchery manager at Ad’o Alimentos, said he was very satisfied with what he called “quality training” This is offered by Yamasa during the four days he was in Rinópolis, at the company`s factory. With him, also, the supervisor Edilson Tiago Barbieri and the technicians Valdenir Denani and Alex Denani, maintenance supervisors.

They closely followed Yamasa technology for hatching egg sorting and packing equipment. “ This is the first time that we will have automation in the selection and packing of eggs”, says Adriano, who is looking forward to the completion of the work to expand the hatchery to accommodate the Yamasa machine YHD with capacity to select 54 thousand eggs/hour. The equipment arrives in the second semester.

The Ad’oro is specializes in slaughtering and marketing whole chickens, special cuts, boneless and marinated, frozen and chilled.  É one of the largest producers in the segment in the State of São Paulo. The modern hatchery is based in Rio Claro.

Marcos Paulino: economy

The technician Marcos Antonio Paulino, from Granja Bela Vista, in Guaíra (PR), was also very satisfied. He was at the factory in October learning to operate the YHD equipment for hatcheries with a capacity of 18,000 eggs/hour. Although the machine was purchased some time ago. After two years at the farm, Marcos took over the job of operating the machine two years ago. just over six months. Therefore, he has been in Rinópolis, undergoing training.

The technician from Paraná has experience with hatcheries but did not know the automated process of packing fertile eggs. “For the structure we have there, YHD does the job of six employees”, he calculates. But is there? Yamasa machines serving three other farms that make up the production core of the site.

Enthusiastic about the news from the new generation of YHD, Marcos said he would take a proposal from the company to Guaíra to update the equipment installed on the farm, which would allow for better production controls and agility in the process. egg packing. “With this, we can gain more in productivity with economy”, said the technician.